豚の飼育の始まりは紀元前、はるか昔のことです。豚はその頃から人間に最も喜ばれていた食材の一つでした。イタリアでは特に豚肉を塩漬けなど加工を施したものを使って、 古くから畜肉製品を製造してきました。エトルリア時代(紀元前8世紀~紀元前1世紀ごろまで)になると次第に肉の加工技術が進化してきた結果、自家用だけでなく商品として豚 肉の加工品を作るようになったのです。その後、肉そのもののクオリティーが高くなり加工技術も発達してきましくると、モモ肉は一番良い部位とされ、現在の“プロシュット” の原型が豚肉加工品のプレミアム商品としてみなされ始めました。宴会やお祝いの席では欠かせない食品となり、中世には通貨として使われるほど貴重なものでした。
In southern Italy a secret salami recipe is passed down in each family.
During the renaissance, pork breeding and processing became a profession. They were called “Norcino” and played a socially important role. However, their work was only in the season of slaughtering pigs, as there was no technology to preserve raw meat yet. Norcino, usually native of Central Italy regions as Umbria and Lazio, left their hometown around October to work as pork butcher and came back again in March. In the modern age as the industrial revolution occurred, pork processing techniques were passed from Norcino to artisans of various places and developed as an industry. Artisans pursued new tastes while preserving the traditional recipe and spread the Italian salami tradition and flavor all over the world.
In southern Italy a secret salami recipe is passed down in each family.
During the renaissance, pork breeding and processing became a profession. They were called “Norcino” and played a socially important role. However, their work was only in the season of slaughtering pigs, as there was no technology to preserve raw meat yet. Norcino, usually native of Central Italy regions as Umbria and Lazio, left their hometown around October to work as pork butcher and came back again in March. In the modern age as the industrial revolution occurred, pork processing techniques were passed from Norcino to artisans of various places and developed as an industry. Artisans pursued new tastes while preserving the traditional recipe and spread the Italian salami tradition and flavor all over the world.
The wish to spread in Japan the culture of enjoying the meal to the last bit
We can find many branded pork and beef in Japan thanks to its advanced livestock technology.
Their taste one of the best in the world! However, in Japan only a small amount of meat parts are actually used and the remaining ones are used for pet food or discarded. In Italy pork meat processing and eating tradition exists since before the Roman times. We started this project in order to bring to Japan this specialized technique developed over different ages by which we enjoy the meal without waste.
The wish to spread in Japan the culture of enjoying the meal to the last bit
We can find many branded pork and beef in Japan thanks to its advanced livestock technology.
Their taste one of the best in the world! However, in Japan only a small amount of meat parts are actually used and the remaining ones are used for pet food or discarded. In Italy pork meat processing and eating tradition exists since before the Roman times. We started this project in order to bring to Japan this specialized technique developed over different ages by which we enjoy the meal without waste.
カラブリアのサラミ作りの伝統は、南イタリアがギリシャの植民地だった時代、いわゆる大ギリシャ時代(マーニャグレーチャ)に遡 ります。豚肉を芸術のような味わいのサルシッチャに加工する技 術は、カラブリアの畜産農家の間で秘密に受け継がれ、カラブリア州の中でもそれぞれの土地で違うレシピが存在しています。今日、サルシッチャは豚肉加工品の中で最も有名で代表的なものになりました。
The Calabria salami-making tradition dates back to the days when South Italy was a Greek colony, the so-called Great Greek Period (Magna Gracia). The technique of processing pork into an art-like tasting salsiccia is secretly inherited among the Calabria's livestock farmers, and different recipes exist in each province of Calabria. Today, salsiccia has become the most famous and representative among processed pork products.
製造技術:イタリア カラブリア州に伝わる伝統的なサラミの製造方法
Territory of Origin:Hokkaido
Production method:Italia, Calabria traditional salami production method.
カラブリアのサラミ作りの伝統は、南イタリアがギリシャの植民地だった時代、いわゆる大ギリシャ時代(マーニャグレーチャ)に遡 ります。豚肉を芸術のような味わいのサルシッチャに加工する技 術は、カラブリアの畜産農家の間で秘密に受け継がれ、カラブリア州の中でもそれぞれの土地で違うレシピが存在しています。今日、サルシッチャは豚肉加工品の中で最も有名で代表的なものになりました。
The Calabria salami-making tradition dates back to the days when South Italy was a Greek colony, the so-called Great Greek Period (Magna Gracia). The technique of processing pork into an art-like tasting salsiccia is secretly inherited among the Calabria's livestock farmers, and different recipes exist in each province of Calabria. Today, salsiccia has become the most famous and representative among processed pork products.
製造技術:イタリア カラブリア州に伝わる伝統的なサラミの製造方法
Territory of Origin:Hokkaido
Production method:Italia, Calabria traditional salami production method.
おいしいイタリア料理を食べたいと思う方をみんなカラブリアにお連れしたいと思っている。天才料理人で あるおばあさんのDNAをしっかり受継ぎファンタジーとインスピレーションで素材を組み合わせるセンスは 天下一品。今年の南イタリアの旅でもホンモノのイタリアを探してきました。
He wishes to bring to Calabria all the people who want to eat good Italian cuisine. He inherited the DNA from his grandmother who was an outstanding chef and has an excellent sense for combining ingredients through fantasy and inspiration. During his journey in South Italy he searched for real Italian product this year too.