有機栽培で熟成したオリーブの実を、傷やストレスを与えないように丁寧に収穫し、24時間以内に自社敷地内の圧搾場へ運び 加工して、27℃以下の温度管理のもとオリーブオイルを製造しています。オイルの劣化を防ぐため、密封ステンレスタンクで 直射高温を避けて、15℃前後の定温で保管します。
そして最高の状態の商品を出荷するため、注文を受けた後に必要な本数だけを瓶詰めしてできたオイルが、オーガニックのヴ ィッラオルサーラ・EXVオリーブオイルです!
ヴィッラオルサーラ・有機EXVオリーブオイルは、フルーティーな風味で柔らかな口当たりに、後味に微かなスパイシーさを 感じるオリーブオイルです。
Villa Orsara Extra Virgin Olive Oil, born by the collaboration between Elio and the Minisci Company, that under a through quality control system, produces completely organic olives, without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizer.
The organic mature olives are gently harvested in order not to cut of stress the fruits, that are transported within 24 hours to the company grinder where they are processed, and olive oil is extracted at a temperature that does not exceed 27℃ degrees. To prevent its deterioration, olive oil is being stored at the constant temperature of 15℃ in airtight stainless tanks, that keep it safe from direct sunlight and high temperatures. Also, in order to deliver the product at its best condition, only the needed amount of olive oil is being bottled after receiving the order, creating the Villa Orsara Organic EXV Olive Oil!
This Olive Oil is marked by a fruity scent and a soft taste ending with a slight spicy aftertaste.
We would like for you to taste the natural taste of this olive oil, therefore we suggest to use it on bread or fresh salad.
We recommend you to use everyday in your cuisine this olive oil that is rich in polyphenols, and lead a tasteful and healthy dietary life!